Facilitators Activities Certification Training

Facilitators Activities Certification Training

Facilitators Activities Certification Training

Are you a coach, trainer, facilitator or speaker and looking to add something tangible to your event?

Maybe you talk the talk and want to show you walk the walk!

We can help by giving you the skill set to add board breaking, arrow snapping, rebar bending, broken glass and Lego walking to your existing toolbox.

You can be certified to run your own board breaking, arrow snapping , rebar bending, glass walking and walking on Lego bricks in just one day.

We have trained many people to use these powerful metaphor exercises from around the globe and had the pleasure to teach one of the worlds leading motivational speakers to reinforce their messages.


What’s included in Facilitators Activities Certification Training?

Boards, Arrows & Bars

Glasswalk & Lego

Risk Assessments

How to run small and large groups

Where to purchase materials

Video reference library

Access to Public Liability Insurance (if based in the UK)

Full ongoing support & access to other instructors who can help at events

Discount on Firewalk Instructor training

The course is accredited by IPHM

How much does the training cost?

£996 to be fully certified. ( Lunch included)

Next course dates:

Click Here

Contact us to register your interest in a course near you. These events all  held around the UK, contact us now, let us know where you are located and we will let you know details of the next course near you scott@ukfirewalk.com

  • Lady breaking board

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  • man breaking board

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  • arrow snap on throat

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  • corporate glasswalk

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  • glass walk on stage

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  • rebar bend

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  • arrow on throat

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